Reply To: Chumros = Kids Off The Derech?

Home Forums Family Matters Chumros = Kids Off The Derech? Reply To: Chumros = Kids Off The Derech?


rob & 000646,

I can’t figure out here what’s the kula & what’s the chumra, but it’s really irrelevant.


I really have no clue what you are talking about. The only question here is WHAT IS THE HALACHA?

All these ideas about dan lekaf zchus & thousands of sinners are very heartwarming, but nevertheless the question is WHAT IS THE HALACHA? As jews our job is to follow shulchan aruch. If shulchan aruch says that thousands of people are sinners – then that is what they are.

If shulchan aruch says not to be not to be dan lekaf zchus – then don’t.

If shuchan aruch says that they are tinokos shenishbu – then they are.


And the ones who decide what the halacha is, are THE RABBONIM, not me & you.

To come & say “why should we be machmir”? “why should we be maikel”? “why sould we do this”? “why should we do that”? is not using your seichel.

Ask a Rav what the halacha is & do what he says, Period.