Reply To: Chumros = Kids Off The Derech?

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The Yeshivishe world gives lip service to the idea that they respect those who are MO. To believe otherwise is very naive. I would so love for that to be true, but you cannot respect someone whom you believe to be inferior to you. You might SHOW respect (though I do not think they do), but deep down you believe you are better. I don’t believe as a MO machmir Jew that I am superior to a charedi. I admire the fact that they commit to certain practices that are NOT halachic but which they choose to strictly follow (even if it would just be in the realm of which hechsher to follow), but it does not invalidate my own practices. I have no problem with people only drinking Cholov Yisroel. Kol Hakavod to them. But they seem to have a problem with the fact that I drink Cholov Stam, whether or not they will admit it. We have seen the arguments on this forum many times, to bear out what I am stating. If Cholov Stam was permitted by our poseik hador several decades ago, there is no reason for even one person to try to find mekoros that say it is assur today. But they do. As far as I am concerned that is a good illustration of my point, right there.