Reply To: Moshiach

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is there a reliable soarce that knows that the story with r’ shachna zhon is true????? if it is true then hes already in his 90’s bli ayen hara. which means that if the chofetz chaim told him to prepare then the geula is really close. canu imagine, after all the years in galus its finally here!! we r the lucky generation. we just have to keep doing mitzvos and maasim tovim and then we will really be the lucky and chosen generation. also there are so many simanim that show that mashiach is really almost here( i know wolfishmusings sed not to predict but im not predictiong just saying things i heard)FOR EXAMPLE. IT SEZ THAT MOSHIACH WILL COME THE YEAR AFTER SHMITA…WAT R WE IN NOW???. anyway MASHIACH HAS TO COME VERY VERY FAST BECAUSE HOW MUCH LONGER COULD THE WORLD GO ON LIKE THIS??? IT BECAME A CRAZY PLACE!!!!!