Reply To: Our Society And a Developing Crisis

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Chuck Schwab

And gavra_at_work, since you are hard at work at knocking off other posters, how do you explain your attack on what Rav Miller zt’l said. He said black and white that having a tv will lead to the loss of olam habo, no ifs ands or buts, or any qualifications. So who are you to say you don’t believe he said that (as multiple people on ywn itself bore witness), as you stated on another thread? Go to your local Torah Tape library to hear it for yourself. Or will you refuse to believe your ears as well? And it doesn’t matter if you had a family member who knew Rav Miller zt’l in Rugby. Even if you yourself knew. He said it openly and unashamedly.

On another pertinent matter, how do you seem to have posting time available 9-5? Does your boss permit personal use? Is he aware? Are you truly so free all day allowing you all this free time? Or are you using personal time on the boss’ cheshbon?