Reply To: BREAKING: Lipa to do another concert – “The Event”?

Home Forums Music BREAKING: Lipa to do another concert – “The Event”? Reply To: BREAKING: Lipa to do another concert – “The Event”?


and yes, Wolf. before any public or private event is held, it would be kinda nice if the people involved would get it approved.


Wow! Any event public or private? So I have to go to a gadol and get his approval before I get married? I have to get a gadol’s approval before and upsherin, a bar mitzvah or a plain ol’ birthday party? I have to get a gadol’s approval before I hold a kiddush in my shul? If I want to have my parents and a few friends over for an afternoon with the kids, that’s got to have a gadol’s approval too? A gadol has to approve every chinese auction, every BY play, every concert, every shiur given in every shul or other venue and every minyan?

Or am I misinterpreting what you are saying when you say “any public or private event?”

The Wolf