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to the original poster – yashar koach for your inspiring and much needed words!

its just incredibly sad to see that various posters here have already attacked Tal, suggesting that he is a liar, and further attempting to justify much of the rhetoric that goes on here which essentially boils down to this sentiment: “if you don’t hold exactly like me/my rebbe, what you are doing is treif/assur/you have no chelek l’olam ha’ba (R”L)”

if the posters on this board really think that this type of ka’naus is what HKBH wants from us (as opposed to the way of respectfulness and pleasentness – ‘darchei noam’ described by Tal), i don’t know what else to say, but klal yisroel is in big trouble. i would be curious as to what yeshiva these posters attended, and ask them what rosh yeshiva/godol would give his haskama to such an approach which seeks to villify and degrade all members of klal yisroel who are not exactly like me instead of treating them with simple kovod ha’briyos (let alone ahavas yisroel!!).