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NotPashut- I don’t see anybody knocking people in learning here. I just see 2 posters pointing out that Halachic ignorance is terrible whether or not you work. Furthermore, a comment like “mi ke’amcha yisroel” based on your diyun lekaf chov of 2 posts here is nothing less than loshon hara and laaz on all of klal yisroel. I refer you to Sefer Chofetz Chaim, who helpfully explains that EACH aveira of loshon Hara is worse than Avoda Zarah, Gilui Arayos and Shefichas Domim, and when you multiply that by the millions of Jews in the world who now need to be asked mechila, you might just find yourself in need of reviewing that same Mesilas Yeshorim perek on nekiyus.
FWIW, I’m mochel bemechila gemura. 🙂