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CH”V, of course not cantoresq. There is limud hatorah there. But as long as those loimdei torah continue to associate themselves with those who criticize the Torah CH”V, I begin to question what is going on. Are they ignorant of it? Complicit? Do they just need the space and have a heter for using YU?


I’m not sure to what you refer, Squeak. Two issues come to mind, but I won’t prognostocate. If you want address specifics, we can, but you have to first articulate your issue. I assume however that you are addressing yourself to YU’s teaching of biblical criticism as part of its Bible studies. If that is the general nature of your concern, are you prepared to write out of Orthodoxy and thus out of legitimate Judaism, R. Esriel Hildesheimer, R. Dovid Zvi Hoffman and the Seridei Eish since Biblical criticism was taught and highly respected in the Berlin Seminary?