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Several years ago my local UPS delivery guy who often dropped off my neighbors’ packages by me if they were not home, stopped by my house on Purim day, to tell me his truck has just been hit by a drunk teenage driver. The kid was so drunk, he didn’t even realize he was bleeding. He had run a light. The UPS guy knew I am Orthodox, and he wanted to know if this was a Jewish thing for kids to get drunk. he realized it was a Jewish holiday, seeing all the kids in costumes in the street, etc. He didn’t want to call the police, but he did take the kids keys away and took him home and told the parents what the kid did. I don’t know how the story played out, as the UPS guy’s route was changed, but I can tell you one thing. The chillul Hashem this dumb kid and EVERY dumb kid like him who gets plastered and tries to use the excuse that it’s Purim (or a chasunah, or Simchas Torah, or it’s medicinal), is beyond the pale. These are kids whose parents need to wake up and smell the Slivovitz.