Reply To: Smoking

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moish i am also a teen and i “used to smoke” and all i want to tellyou is that even smoking one cigarette ocasionally (which is usually one two cigs a day or every other day) is not very good for your health and yes everyone is different some will get yene machloh after a few years of smoking and some get it after 20 while some dont get at all and yes smoking on purim is terrible since all you need is 1 cig to get the nicotine in your body which takes 3 weeks to get out in which you will probably smoke another in that time, and it is fine if you smoke just on purim (i know someone that does that personnaly) but 99 percent of the jewish people will smoke another cig even after purim and then will get addicted.and smoking is one of the worst thins in the world since its legal for a baby to smoke (im not talking about buying) so people think it ok.just a fact,”smoking is the BIGGEST KILLER there is.more than heroin or any drug so moish dont say one cig isnt sorry it isnt bad if its just that one but usually its another and another