Reply To: Know a Good Elementary School?

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Know a Good Elementary School? Reply To: Know a Good Elementary School?


While this was last posted several weeks ago, I just noticed it and have some thoughts on the topic.

My Rav once commented that he receives many shailos on many divergent and critical matters from all types of people, but the one shaila that he is never asked, which he considers one of the most important is: “Which yeshiva do I send my child to?”.

A Rav should be aware of the different aspects of the schools and just like there is no one shul or one Rav for everyone (Asei L’cha Rav) but rather you need to find the shul and Rav that is best suited for you; the same is for schools.

Every child is different and there is no one school for every child. All of our daughters started in Prospect Park Yeshiva (seven) but for high school, we only had four going there. While Prospect Park was the right choice for the four, the other high schools were more suitable for my other daughters’ personalities and all excelled in their own schools. I know that Rav Bulman ZT”L and other Rabbonim sent each of their children to a different schools for these reasons.

Unfortunately, we tend to use only one school for economic reasons.

Be prepared though, your daughter’s hatzlacha in Prospect Park or other Yeshivos may mean that her frumkeit; midos; secular education; halacha; hebrew language; Jewish history; speaking ability; will be far superior to that of the yeshiva bochur that she is set to date for shidduch purposes and many times she will have to settle for an exterior facade rather than the real thing.