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That is what I don’t understand. Someone, somewhere either decided with good reason that reusable plastic has the same dinim as glass or someone just plain made up a chumra that somehow became the new standard.
This is your quote from a ways up.
Also, I will add my voice to those who really do not want to hear the opinions of the more modern posters when asking about halacha and minhagim. I was interested in knowing whether other communities did this, not for opinions as to where this will lead. I see far more communities and individuals disintegrating because of allowing and encouraging bending of rules in order to make them more palatable to those who are breaking them anyway as opposed to people resenting a new communal stringency or practice (when it is explained properly as opposed to being forced down people’s throats).
In fact I don’t like to ask questions of this type (halachic but not asking for psak) anywhere online because the modern contingent of any online community tends to be the most vocal and the least sensitive and those who are questioning can often use these opinions as the first excuse toward throwing it all off.
I assume you are talking about me as the modern contingent. Let me assure you that I respect when people follow their minhagim and chumras – when they are based in something. I am against people either making up minhagim or just doing something because others do it. It is very dangerous in BOTH directions (in fact, it is the same idea).
What if a young woman, newly engaged, goes to the mikvah to tovel keilim and knows “only glass gets toveled w/o a bracha and metal gets toveled with a bracha.” She enters the mikvah and realizes what she has is glass and plastic. She knows you don’t make a bracha on glass, so she starts with the plastic and mistakingly makes a bracha. Why? All because it was just something that people did, not because it was explained.
If you reread my posts, you will see that at no point did I say “oh its a stupid minhag” or anything like that. Just that its dangerous to follow the community without halachic backing.