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My dating, though much different than S was probably closer to hers than most other people on this post. I met my husband 4 times. Each one was quite a few hours but it was still “just” 4 formal meetings. The fifth time we met was before the L’chaim. I went to see his family (I had already met his parents) and then he drove me home. We went to see his grandmother and then was the L’chaim.

We are B”H very happily married. Our parents both checked each of us out before hand and there was no need for more than that.

FY”I, I just read a book about R’ Shmuel Aharon Yudelevitch (it’s really good, written in story form not like a typical gadol book…) anyway, the girl he married was the daughter of R’ Aryeh Levine. For 3 years he spent a lot of time in their house, basically lived there and when R’ Aryeh Levine suggested his daughter as a shidduch, R’ Shmuel Aharon said yes but he needs to see her first! After spending THREE years in the house, he never NOTICED her!

I am not saying that we can’t have different ways of going about a shidduch but don’t think that it is necessary, natural, or ideal to get to know boys upon boys upon boys (and vice versa) befoer you get married!


I really suggest that you forget about getting help from this blog and either email smartgal or whoever else you think can help you as there really is answers and help for your situation. Don’t give up but don’t keep your hopes on this blog. It’s just for nice discussions and hearing opinions nothing more.