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Girl for my answers would be:

5) What do you do to relax?

I never relax because I help my mother cook and clean whenever I have spare time and I’m not busy helping people fill in WIC applications at the local Ershte I Help Myself office for 20% of the take.

6) How much food do you need to be satisfied?

At least a thousand dollars’ worth.

7) What are your eyebrows like?

Ask my stylist whom I sneak off to see on Fifth Avenue when I’m supposed to be in Byse Cholerye seminary because is not git enough myne English to describe how she puts into them the gold dust.

8) During the Oscar’s, you are:

The only Oscar I know from is Oscar Meyer that myne fetter the butcher relabels as Mehadrin Glatter than Glatt and sells to everyone who isn’t from inzerer.

9) Are your suits:

Silk Prada or Zegna that myne tatte relabels as junk so he gets them through Customs for five dollars.

11) How many outfits do you go through on Shabbos?

Each time I pick up one of my little brothers or sisters and they even kiss me I change my clothing and also my shoes so maybe tzein, tvelf.

12) How much time do you spend doing your hair before a date?

I never do it myneself. I fly mit a helicopter tzi Manhattan fin Roklend Kounty and den back for the beshow.

14) What brand of make-up do you use?

Whatever tatty brings back from Duty Free every time he comes back with a new passport from fleeing the country but i only use stuff that costs over $300 even there.