Reply To: Fired or Laid Off from your Job??

Home Forums Employment & Business Issues Fired or Laid Off from your Job?? Reply To: Fired or Laid Off from your Job??



SJSinNYC, Target has cashiers laid off from Circuit City to choose from. They won’t hire someone without experience in a market like this. And try to do construction or other blue collar work if you are not a union man or an illegal – as if anyone is building now!

Nowadays there are just NO jobs to be had and there is NO reason to take a job that

pays less than benefits in a messed up system like this. I know it SHOULD NOT be that way but it is the way it IS. When something bad happens, there is nothing wrong with having to get benefits if that is the only way you can survive. It is why you paid into the system in the first place.

Besides, we pay taxes and give tzedaka so that decent people are helped in crises like this – we don’t pay taxes so a welfare mother can raise 5 kids who grow up to rob our houses and we don’t give tzedoko to phoney organizations with huge budgets that do very little for anyone or to build huge fancy shuls with 3 inch mechitzas that turn people away for lack of membership dues.