Reply To: Fired or Laid Off from your Job??

Home Forums Employment & Business Issues Fired or Laid Off from your Job?? Reply To: Fired or Laid Off from your Job??


Gavra: I would not like to see a Rebbi or a senior teacher packing my groceries in Walmart nor would I like to see my accountant tending to my garden. I also would feel very uncomfortable to see any person of a certain position and standing in the community doing work which may cause embarrassment to them or their families. I would and do happily give tzedakah in the hope that their dignity can be preserved duing hardship.

Not working can also cause embarrassment but unpaid / voluntary work and a little help on the side goes a long way.

I cannot say I know the particular Gemorah to which you refer, I’ll check it out but I do know to the one to which I refer and I am happy to follow this line.

Aside from arguing on Gemorah it is good to agree and disagree on various topics that’s what makes life so colorful so I will say, on this subject I am happy to disagree with you for the reasons above.

May Hashem provide for every man parnosoh to put bread on his table and shoes on his kids feet and most importantly a roof over his head.