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i never comment on the coffee room, but this time i really want to. i grew up with a cleaning lady….bith of my parents worked all day and there needed to be someone to take care of the kids, so we had a babysitter/cleaning lady. i dont remember ever having a stealing issue or a kashrus issue. when i got married i was in school, and i told my husband that as long as i wasnt sitting home all day, we needed someone to help out. i b”h got pregnant right away and had a hard pregnancy, so we increased the amount of time we had help. obviously i didnt trust her right away, but now i see that i can….i have left jewelry, cash, and other expensive things out and they were all there when i came home. i hate the idea of a goy raising my children, which is why i am only working part time. my cleaning lady will pick up my son from play group and keep an eye on him until i get home. i can only think of one reason why people will insist that you can not trust cleaning help….its called racism. if you have such a problem with it, hire someone jewish to clean for you. believe it or not, there are frum people who clean houses. then you avoid all concerns, and you can give a yid parnasa 🙂