Reply To: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet

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gavra: what are you talkin about? the rules of the deera and dorm are the same

daniel breslaur: if you actually believe what you wrote i seriously feel bad for you. the internet is one of the worst tests to teens these days and it could to the worst aveiros. smoking one cigarette never killed anyone. if you want say if somebody smokes one he will become hooked, thats ridiculus because we all know so many people who smoked a couple cigarettes a year.

veryrandom: you make complete sense but only from a bochurs standpoint. im sure you meant that though.

azi: “Students in Harvard rest from their studies, a yehiva bachur is no different and people should stop judging them. The people who stand behind him and whisper in his ear tell him everyone is evel and that the internet is all eveil, so what else would he say? “

yeshiva bochurim are supposed to striving to become bnei torah and talmidei chachamim. any jew, yeshiva bochur or not is 100 percent different from a goy in harvard. there is no comparison. and your “wall” is that you think the ppl whispering in his ear dont know what their talking about so then you dont trust gedolim. do you listen to them about kashrus and other matters but not by things you dont agree with like internet? Judiasm is not pick and choose.

amichai “what are you doing in new york? they need people like you in kiryat sefer!”

they need less people like you in the upper east side and teaneck