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teen: yes you do (and I’m in kind’ve a rush now so I’ll try to do more on this later) but if you would compare the average joe on the street and the average frum guy and see how their life differs. I was recently thinking that the goy has no aspirations in life and nothing to live for. only the present. the ones who are on a higher “level” marry, have kids, and maybe go for a career. but (from their side) why were they put here? and why would they be created if their not accomplishing anything?

next point: do you hear or do you firmly believe the Torah was given for your benefit? lets just say the recent medical studies that milk and meat together are very unhealthy. I won’t go into extensive detail here, but just think about how many diseases are normal in the secular world that are almost unheard of by frum jews. I once saw an interview with experienced people in the medical field (it was done around 20 years ago, so they’ve definitely made advances since then) and at that point they hadn’t discovered a need for circumsicion, but they knew that the eighth day was the best day to do it. may more examples but I gtg now. Sorry for being so philosophical for so early. 🙁