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Home Forums Music POLL: The Big Event Concert; Big Flop? Or Best Show? Reply To: POLL: The Big Event Concert; Big Flop? Or Best Show?


Jothar: As always, you have the facts before you post and isn’t it refreshing to have a Rav with whom you can converse and seek true p’sak din.

It’s unfortunate that there are those who post their own definitive p’sak din which are lifted, verbatim, from Rav Google. These posters, unfortunately, do not attribute their scholarly research to the real author; i.e. Rabbi Howard Jachter and Rabbi Doniel Neustadt.

To make matters worse, not only do they not give credit to the authors, the posters will cut and paste partial answers to suit their own opinions. Unfortunately, this practice will not quicken the coming of Moshiach.

There are quite a few Rabbonim (including my Rav) who make it their policy not to sign any Kol Koreh for the reasons you state.