Reply To: What Are You Cooking For Shabbos???

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! What Are You Cooking For Shabbos??? Reply To: What Are You Cooking For Shabbos???


lol, yea it takes more than one person…although, i hope one day soon to be cookin all alone in my own kitchen (youll prob realize the down size in my menu then lol!) but for now, togetha with my mom and sis we make a big spread. what else can you do when you have guests every meal?!

and trust me, even not in a teeny kitchen i get nervous in there too sometimes bec i like when things are done my way which doesnt always happen! and i like when e/t is done in a seder (for ex: use the suguar – put it away; finished with a spoon – wash it…)whereas my mom and sis are more of the cook e/t and then clean e/t type (and the cleaning lady is always comin in the mornin!) but you get used to it!

and yea, we have a standard menu with some variation but like you said its alwasy a starter, soup, main (meat, chicken and sides) and dessert but alwasy open to new ideas for variations within!

what types of potatoes? i like simple and tasty recipies the best!!

and re the ya’ll: wasnt born in the south but still always say it!
