Reply To: What is a Yeshiva Education Worth to You?

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Joseph, I expected as much from you. And I tend to agree with you that it would be wrong for me to become a cantor in a Conservative synagogue. But the issue here is not necesarily between choosing between wrong and right; it’s choosing the lesser of two evils. What is worse, becoming a cantor in such a synagogue, or my children not having a yeshiva education? The High Holidays in the overflow service in such a synagogue could cover about half my tuition needs. One might say that by doing so, I would, by example, subvert the values taught my children in yeshiva so what’s the point of the whole excercise. That’s the point I’m caught up in. But, conversly, why is ministering in a Conservative synagogue worse than those amongst us who cheat on their taxes or do other morally compromised things to afford the frum lifestyle? I envy you Joseph. You clearly are not financially challenged and don’t have to worry about such issues. It’s very easy for you to blithly dismiss the dilemmas of others.