Reply To: Hilchos Pesach

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David S.

I have an original or so I think) vort.

Here it is:

Why are we not allowed to eat chomeitz and allowed to eat matzoh (other than the pshat reason, which is mentioned in the Torah)?

The answer is that this is leZeicher Yetzias Mitzroyim, since Bnei Yisroel were like chomeitz, puffed up, in good positions, Yoseif was high-ranking, and they were multiplying very quickly. Then Hash-m made us like matzoh, ‘baking’ us in our tzoros, making us avodim to the Mitzrim and making us do avoidas perech, and we were ready to snap, being on the 49th level of tumaah, being fed hard-to-digest matzoh in order not to be fed by the Mitzrim often, as the Shelah says on Maseches Pesochim, and then Hash-m Yisboroch took us out at just the right time, with ultimate precision, right before we were to descend to the ultimate impure level of contamination. This is a commemoration to the state we were in before leaving Mitzroyim, how thin we were, how close to destruction and complete contamination and impurity we had been, before Hash-m with divine precision and timing, took us out from the beis avodim.

Thanks, David