Reply To: Hat and Jacket at Chuck-E-Cheese???

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Hat and Jacket at Chuck-E-Cheese??? Reply To: Hat and Jacket at Chuck-E-Cheese???


“oomis: you still never really answered the question. would you mind at all if your son dressed like that on a normal regular day? according to you he would act the same so what would be the problem. for some reason apparently you believe Yidden dont have to dress like Yidden and you would see no problem if we dressed like goyim. correct me if im wrong and i am in no way trying to be mean or nasty. “

I thought my answer had been as plain as day. I specifically said that if I ever saw him dressed that way, I would know it has to be Purim, because he otherwise would NEVER dress like that. He does not like to look like a slob, and that has nothing to do with frumkeit, but everything to do with wanting to look neat and presentable. And when he does dress up on Purim, he never loses sight of who he is. He makes sure to be up early for the minyan, calls all his rebbeim to wish them a chag sameach, and helps to serve and clean up at the seudah. He could be wearing a convict uniform, but he behaves like a Ben Torah. And FTR, what YOU believe constitutes “dressed like Yidden” and what I believe it to be, are not necessarily the same. That does not make either of us correct.

Ultimately a frum Yid ideally dresses in clean, tzniusdig clothing, whatever the style may be.