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No one can accuse me of being anything but right wing – but I see the cream of tartar as a non issue based on what I found from Rabbi Berel Levy A”H. I’d also have problems using ANY porous table that has not been covered and that has had hot non-pareve food spilled on it unless it was known to have been used only for meat OR milk and that is what was spilled. (Besides, forget about getting a shidduch for your child unless you cover your table with a proper tablecloth so we assume all tables in the haimishe velt are covered!)

There is NO way that the kosher wine industry could produce enough cream of tartar for a large company like McCormick to be able to sell mass market quantities of it as kosher, let alone for it to be used in many mass market products that have reliable kosher supervision.

Has anyone in the US ever seen cream of tartar without a hechsher? Does Gefen or Lieber’s or any other haimishe firm package it with a haimishe hashgocho?