Reply To: Can An Avel Listen To Music On Lag Baomer?

Home Forums Yom Tov Can An Avel Listen To Music On Lag Baomer? Reply To: Can An Avel Listen To Music On Lag Baomer?



the attitude that a Mitzvah is a precious opportunity and privilege, not a burden to seek to lighten with heterim, which you expressed, i find to be not only lofty but certainly much desired by Hashem. i did not state this sarcastically.

the only potential (friendly) disagreement i had with your statement (not with you, who i highly respect) was that you seemed to be expressing the feeling that a heter is something undesirable, while i meant to clarify that there are circumstances where a Halachically sanctioned heter can be a good thing.

we perhaps misunderstood each other, something very easily done in a written format.
