Reply To: Mehadrin buses – too much for me?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Mehadrin buses – too much for me? Reply To: Mehadrin buses – too much for me?

elisha y

Daniel Breslauer, you would make a great chilul H-shem if you report your version of the story to Yedioth Ahronoth. There is also another version of the story from the other passengers. Everyone who willingly takes the Mehadrin buses are satisfied with the Mehadrin rules, this is why the system was built. BTW, why would you post this story where most of the readers are frum? What kind of machloket are you trying to start?

SJSinNYC, was the female in your story perhaps was talking about inappropriate subjects or being a bit too loud and being the center of attraction where innocent ears of our tinokot shel beit raban may be influenced? I don’t agree with name calling and I do agree with you that we should “all” get along, but there must be mutual respect. I’m sure this female friend wouldn’t walk into 100 sha’arim in a bathing suit. One has to respect the area according to it’s standards.