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I have many people in my community who seem to share the same goals, hashkafos, ideologies, desires, etc. that I do. I would not have wanted to marry any one of them.

It HELPS that a prospective shidduch shares your personal philosophies, but ultimately that is only ONE component of what makes a good shidduch. People have to like each other, and the person they marry should ideally be their best and dearest friend,RAYIM AHUVIM, as we say. This is the person whose face will be across from your table for 50 or so years, B”EH. It should be a face you really want to see there, and the average person cannot know if that is potentially so, after a couple of dates. That goes for the secular world as well. People should not marry someone solely because they have that initial tug that says they are “in love.” There has to be a deeper meaning in their relationship, because so much of that feeling is hormonal (as Hashem intended), and not rooted in more fundamental issues. When a couple enjoys each other’s company when they are not in a pressure-cooker situation to rush, rush, rush to get engaged or break it up, something really wonderful can develop where it might have been squashed at an earlier date.