Reply To: Short Dating Time

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Zalman, I am proposing nothing of the sort. I am proposing that the guy grow up and understand the mitzvah of the Torah for a boy to LEAVE his mommy and tattie, cleave to his wife and be a MAN. If he cannot yet do that, he is NOT mature enough, old enough, or smart enough to be getting married. From what I understand, though, this guy DID stand up to his parents , and yasher koach to him, because it will not be the last time, I am sure, that he will have to do so.

“You are maintaining we should advise any potential kallah of his to keep away. After all, he will have the same parents regardless of who he marries.”

I am pretty sure I never wrote or implied that. I was talking about this specific situation. However, if one knows for a fact that a potential shver or shviger are nasty, opinionated, control freaks, that is something I would want to know from a third party before going forward with such a shidduch. The boy might still be worth the shidduch because he is an incredible person. But if he is the wimpy type to do whatever they say over the objections of his wife (assuming she is emesdig in her objections and not a spoiled brat herself), then yes, I would think that I would want every girl to be aware of that before dating him. They would have the right to know what they are getting into, even and especially al pi halacha.