Reply To: R’ Shloimele Z”L

Home Forums Music R’ Shloimele Z”L Reply To: R’ Shloimele Z”L


Rabbi of Berlin: You are entitled not to like his music-you are obviously in the minority (just attend an kabbalas shaboos at the kossel).

Why am I in the minority? Who says so? you? I have been to the Kabolos Shabbos at the kossel. I left after a short while as I was not impressed.

Please don’t compare Carlebah followers to chassidim, Lubavitch, Litvish or otherwise. Your comparision is the same as me saying well the founder of AISH or SEED made thousands of people frum. No, they did not, but their programme did. Carlebach did not single handidly make thousands of people frum. His outreach approach via music encouraged many and that’s about it.