Reply To: R’ Shloimele Z”L

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Pashuteh Yid

RabbiofBerlin, unfortunately, because of some earlier posts here, I happened to take a look at some of the info available on the web about Reb Shlomo, and I was very disturbed. I had always thought that the problem was just some friendly overtures towards women at his concerts, but some of the things I now read bothered me very much. While it is easy to say it is only unsubstantiated rumors, however, the same can be said of other similar issues which have recently come to light in the frum community, and are being taken very seriously now.

I am very confused how such a beautiful neshama who did so much good and was so connected to the RBSH and who connected so many other lost souls to the RBSH can have possible allegations surrounding him. I am very troubled. He spent so much time on composing his niggunim, and collecting his maysalach, and on learning, and on transmitting his chassidishe Torahs and on his innumerable chesed which literally fills books, that I personally don’t see how he could have had the time to have done anything improper. Yet what I read is not at all pleasant. Could you or someone please help me out understanding this. I so much want to believe that Reb Shlomo was a tzaddik gomur.