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“Beis Medrash is just really a designated place of learning”
in truth a Beis Medresh is likened in the Gemorah to the Beis HaMikdosh, it has GREAT Kedushah, though it is not treated as such in general by most people (unfortunately, and against Halachah).
the MEN who learn there are likened to the MALE Kohanim who do the Avodah in the Bais HaMikdosh.
men and women are not equivalent, they do not have the same responsibilities, they do not have the same privileges, they do not have the same functions in this world, each must carry out his own purpose for which he was created and which HaKodeshBorchu desires. even if doing the work of men causes satisfaction and even chizuk and spiritual improvement to some women.
in truth, you can rationalize any way you want, but in truth, when a woman wants to do what men, in Klal Yisroel, have done since the beginning of our nation, these women actually feel inferior to men. they simply do not know the greatness of a woman.
the darkness of these days has strengthened their ignorance and given birth to a new desire, to be like the Nations, to imitate their ways, to seek the grail of gender equivalence. they look to obtain self satisfaction by desiring what was not meant for them, instead of seeking to bring out the greatness they have within.
soon Moshiach will come, IYH, and cast a great illumination upon the world and all of our crooked thoughts will be straightened. until then, im afraid there will be no answer.