Reply To: Shidduchim and Commitment

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Havesomeseichel, thank you.

As for schools – even in my modern orthodox high school (its more to the right than most MO schools, but still mainly MO) preached a lot about marrying a learning guy. It wasn’t exclusive, but to a certain extent it was shoved down our throats. Ironic when you realize that they also taught basic taharat hamishpacha in 12th grade because they knew this was the last chance for Jewish education for some of the grade…(we did have 1 girl who wasn’t frum at all and a couple on the cusp). There is sort of nowhere to turn school wise. I wonder if home-schooling will start up again…I know that I don’t really agree with any of the schools in my area and its going to be more of a “what works best” rather than “what is ideal.”

GAW, I agree that its the most underused expression by some parents!

Tzippi, I agree that the men need to be prepared as well as the women. I included them in my post…

There is nothing wrong with a man waiting until 23 to start dating. No one should start dating before they are ready AND know what they are getting into.