Reply To: Chulent. All day. Every day.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Chulent. All day. Every day. Reply To: Chulent. All day. Every day.


Thanks for the source. I didn’t look it up yet, so my questions may be addressed there or in the meforshim there.

Does eating the same thing both meals decrease the importance of meal #2?

What if the special/distinct dish of meal #2 is not the chulent (e.g. something not hot), like having eggs w/onions (unique) + deli salad (unique) + chulent?

Technically, the chulent changes from Friday night to Shabbos morning (you don’t need to be a scientist to know that). As if to say, the chulent goes through stages and I’ll eat it in the Friday night stage as well as the Shabbos morning stage (and sometimes in the Monday morning stage — left over from Shabbos).

There is homework to be done, thanks.
