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There is a new book by Aaron Klein called the Late, Great State of Israel. Quote from a review of the book:



So much for their saving of Jewish lives. Until Moshiach comes, they, as the government in power, are the ones responsible for the safety of the Jews in Eretz Yisroel. If they are giving everything back but trying to negotiate usage rights (EG the Western Wall), what did they accomplish more than De Haan?

During the Six-Day War, Rav Shach ZT”L prayed for the success of the IDF, even knowing that it would result in “Kochi ve’otzem yadi”, since that result would result in the least amount of Jewish lives lost. And that is why one must pray for the success of the IDF, since it results in Jews being saved. But the Nationalistic will that created secular Zionism is no longer there. The state is self-destructing. While I do not love the Zionist state, I do love the Jews in it. I can’t pray for the medina but I can pray for Acheinu Kol Beis yisroel. Ayom Venora.