Reply To: Sign Of The Times?(!)

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Whoa Jothar, I think you’re being a little too harsh. While I did not read the Purim post you are refering to, I don’t think that questioning the status quo automaticaly makes someone a kofer. MO maybe, but an Outkast? That’s steep.

Cantor – By the very story of the Alter you post, the point of a dress code is only further substantiated. Refined people (jews and goyim) dress like a mentch when in the presence of Someone or something greater than themselves. Even Eisov (so says the medrash) put on his best clothing to serve Yitzchok. What you wear says alot about where you’re coming from.

As far as being meshadech with you, my critera is very simple: if your daugher thinks a rollerblade is an attachement to a food processor, she is a fine girl, but not what we are looking for. If she knows the right answer, chances are she knows her way around the kitchen as well. I’d also like to know what’s on her Ipod (another good indicator of who the person really is. Not that there’s a right or wrong in taste of music; but its does tell you who your’re dealing with. Money, looks, dress size, ect, ect, are all relative anyways, so I don’t make that a priority. Obviously, middos, religion and presentability have to be reasonably compatible, but that could be said for 90% of girls and boys. Its the last 10% that makes a marriage work (uh, oh.. I’m off topic – Sorry Mods!)

(and if any of my real world friends are reading this, my anonymity has been shot out of the water!)