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PM- we are going around a bit in a circle.As you can see from gavra-at-work and cherrybim, this idea that the shutting off of fuel is a gram and applies to a gas stove is a well accepted idea and it seesm that even r’Moshe himself agreed to it.
very of us here are actually issuing a psak but the discussion statred with oomis remembrances. In this whole thread, I tried to show that there are good reasons to be meikel and it seems that there are good precedents for this,until today.
As to your assertion that a grama only refers to something that takes place with a “significant time delay”, we are into important semantics again. What is “significant” ? a second? a minute? a foot? a yard? If yo ucannot measure, it cannot be effective.
Basically, if you accept the fact that kibbui only means DIRECT dousing of a flame (with cloth or water) then anything else is gram kibbui and you have a consistent way of thinking. This would also explain the “kofim kaarah al hanes”, to which I referred in the earlier note. Thiswhole matter has many ramifications and this thread sure does not suffice for a thorough analysis.
And- to all of you- thanks for thsi wonderful opportunity of learning this sugys again.