Reply To: Tznius Standards

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jospeh, i just proved my opint, you have the language skils of a 3rd grader.

“they are simply like stalks of wheat in the field of Golus, under the influence of whatever current goyish wind is blowing.

they are hardly to be blamed, they were never taught what Yiddishkeit means. They were born in an era of the greatest darkness in the history of the world, but think they walk in light.

they fulfill the Pasuk of “Hoster Hester”. not only is His face hidden, but they dont even know that it is hidden.

is what i was refering to as artsy, not the shulchan oroch you bafoon.

and nowhere does teh shulchan oruch, the rambam or any other say taht a women cannot go out every day, all day if she so chooses. they are talking about how a women is to be treated, how she is to be royal. if she chooses to go out, then that his her choice, you backwards, self centered caveman. hows that for name calling. it seems that is the only arguin you understand, as you keep calling me liberal, which i dont see at all. so now i call you a caveman. i have come down to your level, so maybe now you will understand my point.

here it goes again for you, since you are having such a hard time understand:

teh wording is kol kevodah- bas melech penima. teh word used is kevoda, her koved, or kovod to her, depending on how you want to learn it. either way, it is not a kovod that a women has to be makpid on. when discussing what is considered bas melech penima, it is stating that her kovod is that of a daughter of a king who stays home. nowathis is a fact. as this is used to the point that a women does not have to go to a bais din in certain cases f called, yet she can chose to go if she wants. meaning, this rule is for her choice. nowadays most women, choose, or are forced due to financial reasons, to go out. to say that a women then is not a bas melech is ridiculous, it means in our generation, teh bas melech penima comes to mean other things, still within the translation of those words. this is nothing new. all over the gemora this is used. that words take on differant meanings as the world progresses. again this, can only be done as long as what is happening is still in line with halacha. kol kevodah bas melech penima is not a mitzva aseh, it is a honhoga tovah. it is not part of any version of the 613 mitzvos, not the rambam and/or the sefer hamitzvos, etc.

as for the chofetz chaim, he yarshened money from his weatlhy aunt, and bought a store. in no story on the internet does it say anywhere it wasin his house. you decided it was because it fits with your version of judaism, but the reality is this is not so.

it is well known that his home was tiny, 2 rooms. one for sleeping, the other for everything else. he had no posseisions, sae some chairs and tables.

nowhere in any story of people meeting with the chofeetz chaim, does it say he rana grocery from his shouse. its nonsense. he bought a store with the money his aunt yarshened him, and was too succeful , to the point he closed for most of the day, for he felt other stores were getting hurt. his rebbetzin did most of the work, doing the stocking and bookkeeping. so not only did she work, but she was an accountant to boot.

the chofetzs chaim was a fierce proponent of women’s studies. he invented bais yaakov. people thought he was out of his mind, him and the gerrer rebbe. he had alot of big gedolim against him, yet he pushed on, and they mostly all came around when they heard him out. his idea was exactly what i said, that norms change, but as long as they fit into halacha, it is fine.

i am not saying that women should go around dressed untzniusly. i am saying that what the perosn who posted the original post is very wrong in assuming that her level tznius is a black and white halacha. tznius is a ver gray thing. yes, tehre are parts that are black and white, which would be everything above elbow and knee, but the actual knee and elbow is a gray area. open toe shoes are a very gray area, tights are extremely gray area.

to say that there is only one way with tznius is am haaratzus, and may border on kfira, as you are saying that zeh vezeh “lo” divrei elokim chayim.

as for gavra at work, joseph never asks his LOR, he just assumes things, and we all know the saying when you ass, you make an ……..