Reply To: Tznius Standards

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“oomis, I really don’t understand why you keep bringing proofs from Sephardic women outside our community. I too know many Sephardic women who are stricter with halacha than some Ashkenaz women. So what? What does that have to do with anything? I’m talking about the Brooklyn and Deal Syrian Community. You’re invited to come to my house anytime you want, and you’ll see for yourself what we’re all about. Until you’ve been here, you really don’t understand.”

Ames, honestly, I do not know why you are so defensive. I am not bringing “proofs” of anything. I was responding to the idea that was expressed that if a woman wears pants or sandals without sox, that automatically it must mean she is lax in other areas of halacha. That was what you had stated unless, I am mistaken (and I am too tireed to go back to the original posts again, so if I am wrong, as I said, I am sorry). I was saying that I am eprsonally acquainted with many sefardic women who are extra makpid on halachos that their ashkenazic skirt/stocking wearing counterparts are not. Why do you seem to feel I have some hidden agenda here. I simply expressed a statement of fact. There is nothing to understand. I am simply making the point that it is never a good idea to make generalizations about anybody. Would you not agree with that as being a positive trait that we could all follow? Hevei dan l’chaf zechus…