Reply To: Tznius Standards

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I’ve thought a while about the letter you reposted, and I’ve decided that–however uncomfortable this might make some people–there is no practical purpose in sharing it. Why, you ask?

It is never appropriate to decide that you and you alone know the real reason for Hashem’s gezeirah. The best and only action to be taken should you–G-d forbid–find yourself subject to an obviously harsh decree is to look within yourself and fix what needs to be fixed; looking outward and judging others is not the answer.

As a letter detailing the poor young woman’s introspection and teshuva, it is a painful and sobering piece. She acted appropriately: she acknowledged what she felt to be her sins and truly regretted them. It is questionable, however, what lesson is supposed to be learned by applying this letter to EVERYONE. “If you dress immodestly, Hashem will kill you”?

If that is not the conclusion to be drawn, and I am mistaken, than please do explain what the purpose of publicizing this letter could possibly be.