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my bad – sorry about that, mod. here i fixed the last one – so you could delete it and put this one instead.

thanks, jax and AOB

kapusta, i don’t know about that. and i’ve been better, i’ve been worse. i don’t think there’s such a thing as “rock bottom.” unless you’re dead, there’s always worse.

wow areivim speechless? cool.

i posted my last before yours went up, but basically i’ll say the same thing i told kapusta. all this so that i feel like garbage and cry?? wow i sure appreciate that. i guess the one positive thing is that i inspire “areivimzehlazeh” to be a better person. no offense, but it doesn’t seem worth it. sorry, man.

why do you keep thinking i’m transforming in a couple of days? you don’t know how i was before. just by the way, i was exactly the same. i get into my moods. i haven’t “turned any corners” or anything. sorry to burst your bubble.

you don’t even know me and you expect way too much. i think you’re forgetting that i’m 16.

And i sure hope i don’t feel hashem’s presence at ALL times. it would be painfully hard to live with myself if i did. god, i need a break from the guilt once in a while.