Reply To: Yeshiva Delay – Children Sitting Bored For Week At Home

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Yeshiva Delay – Children Sitting Bored For Week At Home Reply To: Yeshiva Delay – Children Sitting Bored For Week At Home


The parents that brought their families home from the Catskills yesterday Sunday 08/30/09 have to realize that not everyone has returned from the Catskills yet & therefore it would not be fair for the children of the families that are still there if yeshiva would start this week. Remember the only reason why so many familes came home yesterday instead of this upcoming Sunday is because owners of Bungalow colonies do not want to keep the colony open so late when Labor Day is very late as is the case this year. As far as starting Yeshiva earlier because of Rosh Hashana the Yeshiva’s will be doing that next Year when they will start at the end of August if Moshiach is not here when Rosh Hashana will be two days after Labor Day.