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I think all of you posting should sit back and think for a few minutes before posting your two cents. I hope you all realize that people could be going for therapy for all sorts of reasons, from simple things as needing professional advice on certain minor matters that not always could parents offer that, to needing therapy for being physically, sexually, and or emotionally abused. So yes if someone is going or went for therapy for being abused then they would want their spouse to know, but if someone went for professional advice yes I reiterate again advice that they were unable to get from their parents, then why is it something that they should want to say while they are dating? I see no importance to informing your date nor will they really understand your intensions for doing what HAD TO BE DONE! The problem really is the stigmas that our community tends to attach to people that went for therapy. How many understand what therapy is all about, some do have unfortunate abuse cases, but for most its advice that many times a person will refuse to hear when it comes from the family and that is really the reason people would want to refrain from saying during the shidduch.