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Shaindel – seizures can be caused by all kinds of things. I had a mysterious seizure when I was 17 and had a bad cold and have never had another one since. If the seizures are caused by a brain injury, or something that occurred at birth then it is not a genetic condition. If you mean the conditions epilepsy or narcolepsy, then there may be a genetic component but no one is sure how.

Schizophrenia could be related to a mother having had flu while pregnant.

Dor Yeshorim most certainly does screen for Gaucher’s Disease and other non-fatal conditions at this time.

Down’s Syndrome does NOT run in families. Its prevalence, real or imagined, in haimish families is because the chances of a baby born with it increase with the mother’s age.

Being Ingarisch is a genetic advantage which you just have to be born with but you can fake it as I do by listening to Lipa and Michoel Schnitzler albums and learning both English and Yiddish from them. Learning to eat galle (which in other dialects of Yiddish is known as d-eck) is an even bigger advantage but it may not be the best thing to tell a prospective kallah that you like to eat.