Reply To: Budget Crisis! Bais Yaakov of Boro Park Cannot Open Yet This Year

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Anon for This:

School vouchers in Milwaukee, South Bend, Cincinatti, and parts of Cleveland are in place for one reason only. The public school system is a dismal failure. Many schools are on watch, and others have been forced to close due to well below par education results. THEREFORE, the U.S. Department of Education gave a nice chunk of money to afford the choice to the parents. So, only where the facts on the ground speak to a dismal failure, an educational meltdown so to speak, can the Federal government step in and override a state constitutional amendment.

New York, most New Jersey, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. school system is not so subpar to allow voucher payments. So, this won’t be happening in New York. Unless all of Lakewood moves to inner-city Newark, they won’t be eligible either!!