Reply To: Refinancing / Mortgaging To Make A Chasunah?!?

Home Forums Simchas Refinancing / Mortgaging To Make A Chasunah?!? Reply To: Refinancing / Mortgaging To Make A Chasunah?!?


To Cherrybim, sorry a ben Torah is not just about a masmid, although thank G-d I have not yet had the nisayon, if the other side is willing to break off a shidduch because the kallahs side does not wish to have a wedding with sold gold spoons, etc. then this is not a shidduch I would like to get involved in, remember the apple does not fall far from the tree and the character of the parents says something about the child as well – not his Torah hasmada but character. Secondly, if they are embarrassed at a simple wedding, I will counter that I am a simple Jew who will be greatly embarrassed by having a fancy wedding – why can’t the rich people understand where we are coming from and I am only expected to understand their position? I am sure if you are dealing with reasonable people then a compromise can be worked out. Yes, there are things you have to give in to keep the peace but not to put yourself in insurmountable debt for the rest of your life.