Reply To: Gifts For Simchas

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whoa! don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean it that way. That one should consider

themselves so special that a gift isn’t necessary? No way.

I was saying in general when you show up to a good friends wedding very late,

fress up & give a check, your not Yoitze is what i’m saying. It would be more

appreciated if one showed up on time, gave warm wishes & then a check.

I can’t speak for bochurim, they really dont have much money,

& it’s accepted that they dont give. Unless your very tight with the guy,

(feeling bad now for the guy who’s tight with everyone.)

but what they lack in money they give in Koichus, dancing away & sweating tons,

& singing till they’re hoarse, to be M’sameach Chosson V’kallah!!!