Reply To: Eating in the Succah on Shmini Atzeres

Home Forums Yom Tov Sukkos Eating in the Succah on Shmini Atzeres Reply To: Eating in the Succah on Shmini Atzeres


We only make kiddush in the succah on Shemini Atzeres night. My husband goes to Hakofos at Shul, and the chassidic minhag is that if you don’t eat in the succah the last days, you go to hakafos on S”A. In truth, I don’t understand why anyone eats in the succah on S”A, it is not succos, it is a new and separate chag. Anyway, after the winds we had and most of the neighborhood succahs collapsing, I was glad we still had a succah to eat in until this morning! Chag sameach all.