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Creedmoorer Aravos/Hoshainois Jam:

As Creedmoorer Chassidim are likened to the aravos, without any Torah or mitzvos, the Creedmoorer minhag is to make Aravos jam, especially with week old hoshainos aravois:

10 pounds unwashed aravois

1 Tzioinish flag

3 pounds petroleum jelly “naki mekol chashas timas haTzioinis” from Iran or Saudi Arabia

Stick the aravois and the flag in the Vaseline and heat the mixture by setting the dry aravois aflame. Do this as many times as possible in as many garbage bins as possible throughout the Tzionish occupied city of Al-Qods. Those living in the Great Satan should refer to the many halachic works of the Admou”r regarding burning homemade incendiary devices only in heavily insured vacant warehouses.