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Mezonos Maven-

Is over $8K per child standard in mainstream Brooklyn litvish Yeshivas and BY’s?

This is a somewhat rough averaging of different schools and ages.

In my experience, yeshivos are slightly more expensive than bais yakovs, high school is more expensive than elementary, and bais medrash is more expensive than high school.

(How much is it by Chasidish schools roughly?)

I am told about $2,000 – $3,000.

This is second-hand info from my chasideshe colleagues.

And are you talking about “list price” that, perhaps, very few parents pay in full – or most parents in fact pay $8K+?

I have no idea what percentage of parents pay in full, or what size the average discount is.

What does a $60K/year earner (family income) with 4 or 5 children pay in these same Yeshivas? Or at least your best guesstimate.


$25K is just a round number — don’t get so hung up on it. Feel free to substitute $30K or $35K or more if it reads better to you.

Condensed version: “Don’t be so nitpicky”

Umm, OK.